Clint Dona, a Mississippi College student during the 1960’s and 70’s, founded the 4C’s. The agency evolved as an outgrowth of helping efforts of Clint, other MC students, and community leaders. Beginning 1971, they helped families with essentials of everyday living such as food, clothing, and housing repairs. The agency was officially chartered in November 1974.
The Clinton Community Christian Corporation (4C’s) is a non-profit, tax-exempt social service agency organized to create awareness of some of the needs in our community and to coordinate available resources and efforts to meet those needs. The 4C’s is governed by a Board of Directors chosen from the community.The agency encourages involvement of in individuals with one another on a personal level, and seeks to help the community of Clinton respond with God’s love to the needs we see around us.
Since its inception, the 4C’s had made a practice to partner with other groups to help those in need. Local churches, civic organizations, businesses and private donors collaborate with the agency in meeting those needs.